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Gum Disease and Periodontal Care

A leading cause of adult tooth loss and poor oral health is periodontal (gum) disease. This common condition can negatively impact the function and appearance of a patient’s smile, as well as their overall well-being. Fortunately, gum disease can be addressed and treated in a variety of ways. With a commitment to helping patients maintain beautiful and healthy smiles, our cosmetic dentist, Justin Roberts, DDS, and family dentist, Olivia Straka, DDS, offer periodontal care treatments to address gum disease, helping to prevent further tissue damage.

What is Gum Disease?

Gum disease is an infection that damages gum tissue and, if left untreated, can lead to gum recession and eventually tooth loss. This common condition can affect even those with a diligent and strong oral hygiene routine, which is why routine visits to your dentist are important for detecting the earliest signs of gum disease. There are multiple stages of this condition, from gingivitis being the least severe to advanced periodontitis as the most serious. The best treatment will depend on the severity of your damage.

What are the Causes of Periodontal Disease?

Periodontal disease is typically caused by plaque and tartar build-up that is left untreated. When plaque hardens, it becomes tartar and can often be hard to reach with regular brushing and flossing. Harmful bacteria can develop and in turn, lead to an infection.

There are also additional factors that can increase the likelihood of gum disease, including:

Additionally, gum disease increases the chances of serious health conditions, such as stroke and heart disease, making treatment and maintaining oral health much more important.

What are the Symptoms of Gum Disease?

Gum disease can appear with or without symptoms in multiple areas of the mouth. Common signs you may have developed the condition include:




What are Gum Disease Treatment Options?

The most effective treatment options for gum disease will depend on the stage you’re in. Semi-annual office visits and routine dental cleanings are typically enough for the early stages. For the more serious stages, scaling and root planing may be necessary. Laser periodontal therapy may also be utilized to create a better seal between the gums and teeth and help the healing process following other treatments. Severe cases of gum disease may require pocket reduction and gum grafting. Dr. Roberts and Dr. Straka can discuss which treatment option is best for you to properly address your individual needs.

For more information about gum disease and periodontal care, contact our office today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Roberts or Dr. Straka.